Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacture is very competitive, and at TradeTicity, we view serialization as an opportunity to reduce waste and to improve profitability. Of course, TradeTicity do this whilst adding value, as well as controlling the cost of  your serialization project.


You have to be able to connect with the many networks and trading partners that use data transmission protocols and formats in the serialization chain.

To avoid delays to the production of serialized products, TradeTicity empowers CMOs to connect quickly to any pharmaceutical trading partner on any network. Different customers require different configurations and connections. Our flexible serialization solution and service handles all customer requirements, and allows you to be confident in your serialization for any market, Worldwide.

Our talented teams cover all aspects of supporting serialization – Expert Consultation, Quality Compliance, Software, Hardware and deployment. We have the most comprehensive approach, enabling us to cover serialization for multiple regions, from L5 down to L1; from Consultation to Documentation and Deployment.


CureSync is Secure

At TradeTicity, we know that your contracts depend on your ability to protect against unauthorized actions. That’s why we built in the highest possible security standards to protect you and your processes.

CureSync can Catalogue

As you respond to your clients’ requests to manufacture new products, your serialization infrastructure should be enable you to respond. CureSync makes adding new products simple, saving setup time and costs.

CureSync can Communicate

Being your client’s trusted partner relies on good communication. Good communication of serialization codes is paramount to avoid errors. CureSync can communicate billions of codes from your client, from National Hubs or other authorized channels to your production facilities.

CureSync captures metadata

Who knows how the regulations will change? EPCIS embedded in CureSync allows data-logging, GPS tracking (with appropriate hardware), etc, which means when the regulations change, you can adapt. If you want to add additional markets, you can incorporate their regulations. Stay current. Stay Competitive.